Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stop and smell the roses

I have realized recently, just how selfish I have been and it makes me sick.
How could I have been so careless?

Many of us take things for granted.
We don't appreciate the things we have right now. We are not thankful for what we have at the moment, we only wish for more, something better than what we already have.

I have seen family members, family friends, and friends of family friends, have to fight cancer. All of these people knew what it meant to stop and smell the roses. None of them took things for granted, and all of them were thankful for the things they had in their lives.

My Grandpa, for example, was one of the happiest guys. He was a strong, handsome tennis player. He was loving, and kind, and always wore a smile for me. Even while he was suffering from cancer. I spent a lot of time, next to him on the hospital bed before he passed away. And even though he was sick, he was always so sweet to me. He knew not to take anything for granted.

So, when I complain about small things, I remember these strong people, and how even through the hardest times, they never complained. I mean, of course they complained occasionally, they had every right to. But they didn't complain about small, meaningless things. They appreciated everything they had.

I remember my grandma losing her hair. I also remember that she never complained about it.
This is where I realize just how ungrateful I have been.
I have been complaining about a bad hair cut, it's stupid, I know! Instead of appreciating that I have hair at all! I complained that it wouldn't grow quickly when I should have been happy that it was able to grow.
I feel rotten. I think of all of these strong amazing people, and realize how careless I have been acting.

I follow a blog of this amazing women who recently had to shave her long, beautiful hair. Lucky for her, she looks hot without hair. But how rude of me, to think that a bad hair cut was so important that I needed to gripe about it. I was being so heartless.

A family friend, just found out that he has multiple tumors in his body. His legs, is liver, is lungs, and many other places. Hes become very ill,  found out, and has had to have surgery, all within a couple of months.
We don't know if he will make it much longer or not. But how rude I have been to be worrying about such small things, while he is going through something so big.

My parents are attending a funeral tomorrow, of a friend who passed away this week. He was suffering in a hospital, his family was suffering, and what was I doing? taking things for granted.

Life happens so quickly. You never know if what you say will be your last words. You never know what other people are going through, and you never know when something huge will happen that will change your life forever.

I'm sorry for being so caught up in myself. I have learned to appreciate what I have. Bad hair cut and all.
I want to say sorry to everyone. I know a lot of people who would be happy to have a bad haircut, in trade of what they are going through right now.
I'm sorry.
Always remember to pray for those you know that are suffering.
To pray for everyone to be more caring.
To pray and thank God for what you have.
And remember to always stop and smell the roses.
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***megan*** said...

what a beautiful heart you have.

Hotflash said...

I agree with megan.

Bryttan.... you are a sweetheart and we all forget to stop and smell the roses and then one of us remembers (like you just did) and you tell the rest of us, so we can remember, and then we tell others so they can remember....

you are the stone that cast the ripple in the pond.
Love you sweetie!!!