Friday, March 23, 2012

Not Missing

Last night Mike went out with His brother. While he was gone, I got a phone call from a friend wanting to get together for a little while. I left and while I was at her house, we decided to go for a walk, it turned out to be about an hour and a half later before we even got back home. Then my other friend came over with her baby, (such a cutie, and started walking last night!)  By that time it was like, 10:00  and I knew Mike was planning on being home between 10:00 and 10:30, so I turned the ringer up on my phone, and waited for Him to call me. I got busy fixing a sewing machine, visiting, and then they wanted to start a movie. Sometimes Mike stays out pretty late, so I figured he was still out and would just call me when he got home. We started the movie and about half way through I was starting to get a little worried about him, but figured I would give him to the end of the movie. It ended, and I went to check my phone, and it was dead. I used Maliha's house phone, and it said that the user was no longer accepting calls. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN! I texted him from her cell, and waited... and waited... and then I called from her phone... and waited... By this time it was like midnight, and I was really trying to figure out where he was! I didn't  want to walk home (Mike obviously had the car) but I decided I should to make sure he made it home alright. If he wasn't at home, I could start to get worried. We started walking to my house, and on our way Malihas phone rang and Mike was on the other end. "WHERE ARE YOU! ARE YOU OKAY?" This is what Mike was asking me. I'm fine, where are you? are you okay? I have been trying and trying to reach you!
Mike then told me that while he was out with his brother, his phone was stolen. We were both trying to get a hold of each other, (He was more worried than I was. I knew he had been out with his brother and kept telling myself he must have just stayed out later than he thought, and like me, his phone had died.) I was trying not to think of him in a car rolled over on the side of the road.

Anyway, I got home, ran in and grabbed the keys, and drove my friends back to their house. When I got home, it was about 2:00am we both had a good laugh about the situation and turned on Saved By The Bell. Mike had called every person he could think of, trying to find out where his wife was, and even drove over to where I was, but saw all the lights off (we were watching a movie) so assumed they were asleep and I was not there. Back at our house, he made note of all my shoes by the front door, and noticed that none of them were missing, which worried him even more! Shouldn't have, he knows I don't wear shoes sometimes. But he thought that maybe whoever had taken his phone (which he tracked using the chip, and it is somewhere in Taylorsville. No where near where he was last night) had come taken his wife! Poor guy. A pretty eventful night for the two of us. Moral of the story is, leave a note if you're going out, and never leave your phone unattended.


So did anyone else LOVE the spring weather yesterday? It was so delightful! I just wish it would have carried in to today, it's sooo windy. Look at that forecast!


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***megan*** said...

holy smokes! quite a story... glad you are both safe and sound. "that is why you always leave a note." have you ever watched the tv show arrested development? that line carries through all the seasons. hilarious show!

Hotflash said...

OH my gosh. I would have been FREAKING out too!