Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Have you seen?

"A 'cinemagraph' is an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly."

I love it.

Pin It!


MommyBrec said...

Wooooow! That is sooooooo cooooool! What the...? How do they even do that? Wooooow! That is just so wonderful!! I love that! wow.

MommyBrec said...

Wooooow! That is sooooooo cooooool! What the...? How do they even do that? Wooooow! That is just so wonderful!! I love that! wow.

Hotflash said...

That is AWESOME. Very Harry Potterish.

JoMama said...

That's amazing!Love your blog...and u! ;)