Thursday, February 23, 2012


We just got home from the Karaoke bar.
Truly ridiculous.
No, Mike didn't sing.
Did I have a blast? yes.
There will be a whole post on it tomorrow, with video and pictures. You're welcome.

Until then, I want to share with you something I just made. I saw the hamster picture someone else did, and it reminded me of the worst kiss video that Karin showed me. So I had to put them side by side.

You're welcome again.
Pin It!


The Lamoreauxs said...

That literally made me LOL.

Bryttan said...

The picture? or the fact that we went to a Karaoke bar? LOL

Hotflash said...

Not sure if this is the place to mention, but March is National Craft Month. Just sayin'. You crafty person. Make a thing a day. Post it.

The Lamoreauxs said...

The picture. And the thought of Mike singing, even though he didn't.

***megan*** said...

i like "hotflash"'s idea of you making a thing a day and posting it for march.

and as for the pictures? the one on the right makes me want to cry.

Bryttan said...

Haha, I'm such a blonde! I didn't even read my mother in laws (hotflashs) comment right. Posting a craft a day is such a good idea! Great idea actually, let's see if I actually do it! Hahaha :)