Sunday, May 6, 2012

Leather couch

As I am sitting here writing this post, I keep saying "Chocolate Furniture" in my head. I don't know why! Chocolate Furniture? Leather Furniture. Leather.
 I have been away visiting my family. My parents have leather furniture, and aside from the couches, I am sitting here alone, as everyone else has gone to bed. I just wanted to write and say this, leather furniture is funny. It makes crinkly noises long after someone has walked away and left the room after sitting on it.  Actually, It is quite loud and extremely startling. Especially when you are sitting alone, surrounded by a lot of it. That is all I had to say. But from now on, I think I'll call it Chocolate furniture instead of leather. What if leather really was chocolate...
Would you choose Milk or Dark?
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