Monday, January 9, 2012

You probably don't know her..

..I hardly know her.  But I know who She is.
Her name is Charity, but she goes by Two. And she needs help.

Her family and my family are old friends. I have never met her in person, but I most certainly know who she is.

I have special prayers out for special people in my life, who are in extra need of our Heavenly Father right now. I just found out that she is one of them. Please pray for her.

 "It's such an odd and terrible thing to wait and hope and pray for an organ donation. Two's life is literally hanging by a thread, and the only thing that can save her is a tragedy in someone else's world. I don't like to think about it. Who would?" -Charity's family member.

You  can read about her here, & here.
She needs all the love and prayers you can give her right now. I know that if She were able to, and knew we were praying for her, she would thank us personally.

Please pray for Charity and her family. And go read about her.
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