Monday, August 1, 2011


A Smile A Day is a good way to keep us all happy.

A Smile A Day is something I came up with to pass along a smile and help you focus more on the things that make you happy during the day.

How it works:
Follow my blog
Post a picture of something that makes you smile
Post a picture of YOU smiling
If you feel like saying a little something, go a head! Write about what made you smile
Write about what makes you smile
Then LINK UP with us and Pass a long a smile :)

A smile says so much

A smile is very healthy.

A smile can bring laughter, laughter is fun!

A smile shows LOVE

A smile should be shared.


-day 1-

What makes me smile? Spontaneous dancing.
Someone grasping my hand, twirling me around, and before I know it we're laughing and dancing, and singing along to the music.
This is a picture of my cute parents dancing together at my brothers wedding.
I love how happy they are.

Now it's your turn! What makes you smile?

Pin It!

1 comment:

Shannon Dooley said...

Cute idea Brytt! I love the picture of your cute parents! I sware they are ageless. Love them!