Monday, April 30, 2012

Very much in love

With this...

"You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough."

And this...
One common question we come across is, "what is an expat?"

The word expat is a contraction of expatriate, which derives from the Latin word expatriatus. In medieval times, an expatriatus was someone who had left his or her home country to live somewhere else. So in today’s culture an expatriate is exactly that; someone who lives in a different location than that which they were born and brought up. In general expatriates are considered to be people who are residing in their host country temporarily, with the ultimate intention of returning home at a later date. However, in recent times, more and more expatriates have left their home country and found that they can experience a higher standard of living and a better of quality of live abroad and, for this reason, many of them never return home.

Become an Expat.


And this...
Pin It!

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