Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am in love with Fall. My whole life I have loved fall. The prettiness of it all. The color, the cold breeze, the smell, the way everything looks, It is gorgeous! Unfortunately Fall brings in Winter. And I. don't. like. winter.
I would be happy if Winter and Fall switched places. I don't get enough Fall in before Winter comes and high kicks it out, and 2 weeks of winter is a week and a half too long for me! If it were to be just the opposite, the seasons would be perfect. I believe that was a mistake, a pretty big one they try to pass off as nothing. I think fall is a little bugged by the mistake as well, she doesn't like Winter either. Winter snows on her beautiful colors and buries any little remaining proof that she had fallen.
I do like snow flakes and hot chocolate, and the smell of a cozy winter evening though.
But fall, dear sweet fall. How I love you most.
Want to know what else I love about Fall? The fall fashion line. That's right, I get to pull out all my wonderful layers, my cute hats and mittens, and look at all of the new adorable fall clothes. Fall is the best season if you are looking for perfect clothes.
I love them all. I love fall!

This has always been my favorite Teddy Ruxpin and Grubby song. I wish that Autumn wasn't just and in between time, but an all the time, time! Haha
So enjoy a duet with our favorites and then go try on all of your adorable fall clothes!!! That's what I'll be doing if you need me!

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