Wednesday, December 7, 2011

being locked up in a white room with nothing but myself seems pretty nice!

Our house is totally trashed ridiculous like right now.
I was in Idaho and recently returned with bags in hand, ready to drop in the living room as soon as I walked in the door.
While I was in Idaho, Mike was home alone.
Mike dropped a grenade on his (borrowed) desk in his office, resulting in an Ouchboombangcrash! Leaving him no choice but to make the living room his new work space.
Seeing as I have only been home 2 days, both of which I have been working, the dishes have been a little too neglected.
Our old home has little closet space, and I have too many clothes.
The laundry room is filled to the ceiling because we have a toy sized washer and dryer.
I did clean up my fabric, but have many more projects to start for the holidays, so out it all has to come again.
Because there is little to no space in the living room now, I have my felt nativity scene laid out on the kitchen table.
I brought the Christmas decorations up stairs, but because I have not picked everything up, I was forced to set the boxes in the kitchen until I put stuff away.
I have a feeling the house won't be clean by the time people from the ward start popping in for surprise visits..
do you think I can put them to work?

Do NOT follow my example.
DO follow the police car however, as they drive me away to the nut house.
You can help them understand that the only reason I wen crazy is because my house was so unorganized!
But I would like to stay there until my house is clean again, so just make sure that happens.

Here is my Christmas list as of right now.
Dear Santa,
I want clothing organizers from Ikea.
I would like you to please find someone willing to come do my laundry.
I want you to send me an elf to come paint everything in my house WHITE.
And also I want you to help me give away everything I have so I can start over fresh and new.

Happy Holidays!

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Hotflash said...

Put the dirty clothes in garbage bags and haul them to my house and use my washer and dryer. Seriously.

George will entertain you. :-)

Bryttan said...

Hahaha! I haven't seen HIM in a long time! You are so sweet, Michelle. Love you!