Sunday, December 18, 2011

Get me that plane ticket, I'm on my way!

Dear Mike, 
  Can we please live on the beach? Seriously. Can we move there?
I would be so happy all the time with that delicious ocean smell.
My hair would be awesome, and my skin would be so soft!
I would be healthy and my allergies wouldn't be so bad.
We could have bonfires with friends...
and lay on the sand together, letting the waves roll over our feet!
I could bury you in the sand and make you look silly,
and we could go on walks on the board walk every single day!
We would sleep with the windows open and look at the moon through our blowing bedroom curtains.
We could raise our future little lemons on the beach. Try to tell me that doesn't sound fun :)
We would feel so delightful with the sweet sunshine, our skin would just glow!

Remember when we were at the beach that time?? Don't you want to go back??
I now you doooo!


Pin It!


MommyBrec said...

I would come visit you...forever. (...and that alone could be why Kramer will refuse to even consider living near the beach! LOL!)

Bryttan said...

HAHAHA! I would LOVE that!