Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This Christmas

This Christ-mas, let us not forget Christ, our brother. Who came into this world so that man might live. He gave unto others, just as we will do this Christmas. Let us pray for those who need him especially close at this time. Let us teach, serve, and love, just as he does. And may we be there for others, as he is for us.
No Him
Know Him
Let our light shine as brightly as the star that night. 

Merry Christmas.

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1 comment:

MommyBrec said...

Bryttan, this was beautiful! Thank you for the reminder. You are so spiritual and such a good example.

OH! And I LOOOOVE your blog banner!! When did you put that on?! It is so cute! LOVE it! You are so creative and artistic! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! EEK!