Thursday, November 17, 2011

A good week

First of all, I need some new yarn so I can make some hats. I have so many different styles I want to make, it's killing me!
Second, we may or may not have found ourselves at the cheapest bowling ally 2X in 1 week. Also, bowling shoes are adorable on the outside, but disgusting on the inside. Ewyuckgross.
Third, my brother came to visit us for a few hours. SO fun. We mostly DID scare kids with Betty as they walked home from school. $10.00 mannequin = best purchase ever.
Fourth, I am going to a baby shower tomorrow for a good friend. We haven't seen each other in years but still keep in touch. I love those kinds of friendships :)
Fifth. Michael is the best man in the world. You should all just know that.
And sixth, WE HAVE HEAT. Life is good.
I hope you have an enjoyable week!

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Shannon Dooley said...

OMG that picture is is AWESOME!!! I totally want one of those hats! Congrats on the heat!

Bryttan said...

Haha, thanks, shannon. When I get some yarn, I'll totally be making you one! Even if you don't wear it all the time, it's a fun hat to have!