Monday, November 5, 2012

Been a while?

We have had such a fun and busy fall! So many pictures to post, but too much cleaning and working to do today to play catch up. So for now I leave you with this conversation Michael and I had today.
 me: Be on a look out for retro floor lamps 
 Michael: okay 

 me: :)
 Michael: There are none immediately around my area should I be worried?
 Are they on the offensive?
 me: Just a little worried. Be careful out there
 Michael: Will do Over and out

 me: If they turn on when they approach, don't look at the light!
Whatever you do. DON'T LOOK AT THE LIGHT
 Michael: I'm scared
 They didn't teach us this back at basic
I'm losing it
 me: Hold it together, man 
 Michael: I'll try 

Me: I like these ones (insert link here) 
 Michael: Those are table lamps not floor lamps 
 me: I know that 
 Michael: You said to be on the lookout for floor lamps 
me: Yes I did 
 Michael: If desk lamps are in the mix too
 I'm afraid this war is lost

 me: Don;t speak like that! We still have a fighting chance 
 Michael: There is a desk lamp for every man woman and child on earth,
we stand NO chance 
me: But they are small and weak 
 Michael: It depends on the wattage
 last I heard, the majority were still on 75 
 me: Blast!
 Michael: Exactly
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1 comment:

Hotflash said...

Oh to be a fly on the wall at your house.... ROFLMAO